Press Release: Home Affairs finalises signing of MOU for Trusted Employers within 10 days

The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and the dedicated team responsible for the Trusted Employers Scheme showcase the efficiency of the new scheme. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for each approved employer was shared earlier this month on 9 February and within 10 days the counter signed MOU document has been returned to employers ready […]

Home Affairs Approve 68 “Trusted Employers”, Other Work Visa Applicants Must Expect Delays and High Court confirm the process

Home Affairs Approve 68 “Trusted Employers”, Other Work Visa Applicants Must Expect Delays and High Court confirm the process

Xpatweb hosted a webinar for approved DHA Trusted Employers, to work through the special benefits as well as the unique responsibilities of this Home Affairs initiative. Attendees attended a good representation of the 68 approved companies, and everyone expects the Director General to sign the TES “Memorandum of Understanding” for the scheme to operational by […]

Remote Work and Point Based System: The Department of Home Affairs’ Draft Amendments

The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) builds on the recent win of the implementation of the Trusted Employer Scheme (TES) by publishing draft changes to the Immigration Regulations for comment by 29 March.

Home Affairs Game Changer for Approved Corporates Kicks-Off this Week

The massive backlog in the South African immigration system is widely known and the backlog is increasing. There is a significant cost to South Africa, as foreign capital flows to countries where the work visa system is operational.

108 Corporates Seek Trusted Employer Scheme Status: 65 Approved, Implementation Imminent

A significant milestone unfolds in the corporate realm as the Department of Home Affairs confirms that roughly 108 major corporations pursue trusted employer status, with 65 earning approval and poised for imminent implementation in the coming week.